Monday, April 28, 2008

Update on Ike

Isaac (at 18 months and 1 week) has finally started saying a couple more words. Besides "uh oh" and "mama", he says, "Mooooo" when he sees a cow and "On." So there you go.

And he's decided to start signing more. He knows: giraffe, cat, dog, elephant, tiger, bird, duck, ball, balloon, more, food, milk, drink, baby, shoe, outside, book, nose, belly, sheep, monkey.... There may be more, but I can't think of any more right now.

He's finding creative ways to climb up to get what he wants- chapstick, lotion, soap, remotes, cell phones, other people's food...

And he still loves Calvin, who is so kind to him. We are so thankful that we have boys who love eachother so much (so far).