Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eloise Butler Wildlflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary

Sarah with Atticus and Dietrich, Laura with Mado and Elias, and Jess with Sammy and Freddie joined my crew at the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden in Minneapolis. We went there last year once, too, and I'm so glad we went back. It was a beautiful day to be outside and the kids had lots of fun (once I realized that Isaac needed to eat a snack). We then went to a park nearby and had a picnic (my third of the week. Hooray for working in the home!).

My attempt at getting a good pic of the three of us. Sigh.

Isaac climbed to the top of this hill, sat down with a smile and started scooting down, thinking it was a slide.
Cal running down the hill.Sarah with her little man. Sooooo easy-going (not to make it sound too easy for you, Sarah!).

I know Jess will not be too happy that I posted this, but it's hilarious. She is so grossed out by the strawberry slop that's protruding out of Freddie's face.
I asked Cal what his favorite part of the morning was, and he said, "Climbing in that castle! There was a place for me to crawl through and holes for me to stick my face in!"

Sarah got a little nuts with the kids on the swings. I'm not sure where her energy came from... It was quite amazing.