Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blessings in 2007

The moms at my church have been encouraged to look back on 2007 and remember how God has challenged or blessed us. Here's my short (because I'm not a naturally reflective person) list:

* God has given us community at Hiawatha Church and I can't really express how amazing this is to me.
* God has challenged me to let the little things go (particularly with Eric).
* God gave my extended family an amazing vacation without any arguments.
* God has answered much prayer with my brother- who is excited about being sober, loving life with the Lord and is looking forward to what He has in store for his life.
* Although this happened yesterday and not in 2007, God encouraged me while I was going through my memory bin and finding all sorts of cool things that reminded me of his faithfulness and goodness.
* Every day, I thank God for blessing me with two amazing, healthy boys and a wonderful, encouraging and sexy sexy husband who has nearly completed our basement.