Saturday, November 14, 2009

More Art

Aunt Becky got Cal lots of art stuff for his birthday. Here they are using all the supplies- googly eyes (cal's fave), fuzzy balls, glitter glue and brand new markers (which are always needed because somehow, caps go missing and markers dry out).Cal's monster in progress.
Ike looking sweet (pshh). My chin looks like Jay Leno's here.
Ike's monster with "lotsa eyes."

And then there's Eric. This is what he does everytime something breaks: He takes the whole thing apart, eventually uses super glue on something, puts it back together and- walah! It works! (Sometimes he doesn't even fix it- he just cleans it. But it still ends up working). This time, it's a mini-blender from Aunt Lauren that won't work. And as I write this, I hear the mini-blender working. Eric is a genius.