Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ike's Birthday: A Day of Fun

The 27th was Ike's 3rd birthday. It was a day of craziness.

Part 1: Mado and family came over for waffles in the morning. We had cool whip to top them off. We also made smoothies, so by the time the waffles were ready, the kids didn't eat much. But I did!

Part 2: The Mall of America had a small trick-or-treat thing with a costume contest. So that's where we are headed.
The Mall. Here's Isaiah, the chicken.

We thought it was funny that Alex was a monkey and Cal a banana.

There's the birthday boy. Whenever people said, "Happy Birthday, Ike!" he responded, "Take you. Happy Biwthday to you," with a smile.

Here's Ru. She's a rocker. Her mom couldn't do her hair all crazy b/c she had school pictures right after this.

Sara entered Kate in the contest. She is Plankton from Spongebob (second on the right). She was very sweet and looked awesome. The winner was the egg and bacon, but we also really like Velma (right next to Kate with Scooby-doo).

Part 3- Lego land. We come here often. The kids love it.

Blurry Max.

Kate without her costume.

The banana playing with legos.

Mado is Belle.

The Log ride. Eric and Cal got pretty wet.

After the log ride.