Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Stuff

Calvin: Cal is a very talkative, sensitive, imaginitive, logical kid. He's in his second year of preschool and will be doing pre-k next year since his birthday is in late September. He's been reading lots of words that have short vowel sounds (e.g. "hands," "drum," "pot") and loves to play games (although not the correct way). Cal is an amazing big brother and is teaching Isaac how to treat people in a nice way. It's a joy to be his mom.

Isaac: Ike is a strong-willed, independant, talkative (as of recent), train-loving (as of forever), defiant, daddy-loving kid. He has been potty-training this week and is doing great! He loves to take off his own pants but hates the cold seat. :) If I want him to go, he usually won't and I shake m&ms in his face to get him to cooperate. He hates when other kids try to make him play a certain way, but if I remind him how to be nice, he will almost always share- especially with Cal. He likes to give Cal treats. He also loves to find lotion to put all over his body. I am daily challenged and amused by Isaac.

Just an update. No pictures right now. I've been slacking.