Saturday, January 24, 2009

Goodbye, McCowen Family

The Brown Family helped host a huge open house for Shae, Lisa, Hannah and Matthew today (48 people came!). They are leaving for India in a couple weeks with Target and we are SOO sad to see them go. They promise us that they will be back in a couple years, but I am dreading living life without Lisa. Even though we haven't seen as much of them this school year (only once a week!), I will miss them so much. Lisa has been a complete inspiration and a source of information for me regarding cooking, baking, substitutions (anything in the kitchen, really), organization, child-rearing, spirituality, wifery (is that a word?), language ("the root of that is actually Latin meaning 'to hear', which is really cool because ... blah blah" you get the idea"), books, learning, joy, perseverance and practicality. I love her. Hannah and Matthew have been such good friends to my boys. Hannah is always willing to play "sleep over" and "dress-up" while Matthew has such a good time playing by himself (gasp!) with all our toys and even willing to share! I also love his songs. I don't see much of Shae since he brings home the bacon, but I see his love for his family, his job, new adventures and humor. It's been a privilege knowing them.

Here are some pictures from the party. I don't want to tell you the names of everyone because you probably don't care.

Also, I forgot to take pictures of all the kids in the basement. It was insane. There were toys and kids everywhere. There was not one spat between any two kids. A miracle!