Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hiawatha All-Church Retreat

Our family went on a church retreat last weekend and it was really great. The theme was Make a Joyful Noise and we talked about how we can do that with our lives- not necessarily for others to see that we have joy in Christ, but so that we can be satisfied by God. There was childcare there for all the sessions and even late at night! Eric and I stayed up much later than usual to play games, eat s'mores by the bonfire on the beach and make out.

This was part of the nursery. I was amazed at the childcare workers. They put our kids to bed, fed them and took great care of them.

We did a low-ropes course with our small group. Eric learned that he is always taking charge of situations to be the most efficient and productive as possible. I already knew this.

During free time, we played kickball. I put Isaac in a grassy, shady area and he did alright. The team that was on the bench would help take care of him. I love my church. Not only because they take care of me.

Laura passed this picture on to me from her camera. Mado and Cal had fun one day and even went swimming in the lake (no swimsuits needed. No, they didn't skinny-dip. They just wore their clothes).

This kinda looks like he's going in for a kiss here. Hannah? Are you seeing this?