Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Conversation with Cal

For lunch, I gave Cal a meat and cheese sandwich, which he's not too fond of (would prefer p.b. and honey). He wanted a chip, so I kept bribing him with chips if he would take bites of his sandwich.

Cal: May I have another chip?
Me: If you take another bite of your sandwich. Or you can take three more bites and get three chips.
Cal (eyes lit up): Or I could take a million bites of my sandwich and get a million chips!
Me: Yep.
Cal: But I couldn't possibly have that many. Cuz then other people would start eating my chips. Cuz they would be all over the place (big swooping hand motion).
Me: And your tummy would get really full.
Cal: Yeah. I would turn into a great big chip-ball. Then I would look like my favorite guy on Lego Star Wars [x-box game he plays with Eric]. [not stopping for a breath] Can we go to Legoland sometime and try to build my favorite guy from Lego Star Wars?