Friday, May 23, 2008

Top Ten Weird Things About NYC

10. Street vendors. They sell everything- from produce to roasted nuts to flowers to neck-ties (we got 5 for $20!).
9. Bicycle taxis. These young men ride you around in a carriage. It's like we hired a litter or something. We actually haven't done this, but I'd like to, just for the experience.
8. The Stupid Empire State Building. We waited in a line for almost two hours, got to the top with about 400 other people trying to get to an open edge to look down. It was so windy, we left after about 15 minutes (and $40). Oh, and they try to sell you stuff at every turn. Stupid tourists.
7. The leggings. Maybe this isn't just NYC and I'm out of the loop. But every New Yorker has tight 80's leggings on (some even have... (gasp) stirrups!).
6. The prices. I paid $6 for a 12 oz. strawberry smoothie. And a three-bedroom apt cost $5,300/month.
5. The diversity. We have heard several different languages being spoken on the street. There are several neighborhoods with signs in different languages (like Chinatown, of course).
4. The crowdedness. How does anyone live here? It's insane. There are so many tourist attractions, I heart NY t-shirt vendors, people stopping traffic to take pictures...
3. Conan O'brien. Yes, we were in the NBC store and he came running through (with a camera crew behind him) giving souveniers to people.
2. Although it still smells like sewer (like Chicago), we've only seen 2 homeless people and only had one scam artist approach us. Cool.
1. Curly hair love. I fit right in. Almost all these women are sporting the curly hair fro.