Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More of Cal's Crazies

Last week, Cal was in the bathtub. I said, "Let's brush your teeth, Cal." He said, "I brush my teeth with my pee pee." He bent over a little and moved his penis back and forth making the teeth brushing sound. (Yes, I realize this is slightly inappropriate to post.)

Yesterday, Atticus came over and I was making him hit me in the face. I said, "You're a boxer!" Cal said, "I'm a roboxer." He was thinking of "robot."

On Sunday, I gave the boys a bath. Cal looked down and said, "Isaac has a little pee pee. Cal has a bigger pee pee."

Cal wanted his Aveno Oatmeal Lotion so he asked me for his "food lotion." It took me a while to get what he meant.