Sunday, October 31, 2010

By Calvin


If it weren't for Grandpa Steve and Grandma Barb, our kids would be wearing costumes that we already own. Thanks to our amazingly generous grandparents!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ike's Fourth Birthday Party

We had a party for Ike that was superhero themed. We made pizzas, decorated masks, went on a superhero adventure and broke a pinata.

Eric told the kids he was Super Eyebrow Man and that his mask was the best.

Atticus being bribed to eat his pizza.

Alex wacking the pinata.

Candy, tattoos, pencils and sharpeners. The kids were surprisingly slow and collecting the candy. There wasn't enough competition.

We got a super deal at Party City and bought these costumes for each of the kids. Eric had them put them on so they could go on their adventure.

Eric taught them superhero poses.

Rose in her new garb

I LOVE dressing up Rose. I take way too long in the morning picking out her clothes. It's a worse obsession than facebook. This
Barb and Steve got this "bunting" at a craft sale. It's amazing.

New York!

Eric's parents flew him and the boys down to Chicago while I took Rose (and the camera) to New York to visit Laura and her family! I had such a great time being with her family and spending quality time with Rose. Thank you so much, Laura, for being so hospitable to my high-maintenance-ness! And you, too, Isaac- because I know you are an introvert but was nice to me anyway.

Mado and Max loved Rose. They were lovey and wanted to hold her a lot. Max brought her his special blankets many times and wanted to be in charge of where she sat.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lots of pictures of the crazies

Calvin, Isaac and Ru did this but I couldn't get them all in the same room for a picture.
Jess knit these pants for Rose. They are beautiful.

Ike took this because he said, "Aw, she looks so cute. Can I take a picture?"

Calvin being a weirdo.

Isaac trying to imitate Calvin. Hahaha.
It's October!
Smiling on the changing table.

The kids watching TV together.

Taking Tootie and Rose for a walk.

Ike and Uncle Jason

Rose with Uncle Jason

Melissa made these adorable shoes for Rose. Rose was happy and smiley but when I left to grab the camera she started screaming.